How to forward email to Gmail, Yahoo or other Email service providers?
This tutorial helps users to forward email to Gmail, Yahoo or other Email addresses by Email Forwarder option. Follow the steps to do so.
Email Account Forwarders:
- Firstly, you need to signed in to your cPanel account.
- Now, you find the “Email” area and select the “Forwarders” text or click this icon shown in the given below.
- Now you need to press the button “Add Forwarders” and go to next page for “Add a new forwarder”.
- If you want to send your custom Email address [email protected], then add the text abc in Add to Forward textfield and select the domain in the dropdown menu list.
- Now, come to the Destination section and mark the radio button Forward to email address and add your custom Email Address in the given textfield on where you need to receive Delivered Emails.
- At last, press the button Add Forwarder for apply new changes.
- How to forward email to a mail pipe script/program?
- if you feel that your Email will be delivered to a pipe script mail e-g mypipe.php, which is located on your public html folder.
- Before you press Add Forwarder button, press Advanced Options button it will be expanded and show multiple options.
- Now, select the radio button “Pipe to a Program” and enter complete email address with path in the text field will shown in the figure below.
- At last, press the button Add Forwarder for apply new changes.
- All done Thanks for reading, I hope you will get the appropriate answer to your question.
If You want to create auto email responder then click the link E-mail Autoresponder.