How to disable directory browsing using .htaccess?
For security purposes, we recommend you to disable directory browsing on your website. So that no one can see the files/folders of your website.
You can disable Directory Browsing by adding this line to your .htaccess file.
- Firstly, you find the “Files” area and select the “File Manager” text or click this icon shown in the given below.
- Click the “Settings” button, It will show you a dialog box.
- In Dialog box, you need to mark(select) the checkbox “Show Hidden files(dot files) “ and press the “save” button.
- After the Dialog box is closed, you need to find the File Directory named “.htaccess”
- Now you need to enter these commands to your .htaccess file.
You can block the Directory Browsing by enter this command to your .htaccess file.
Options -Indexes
Thanks for reading it.
For directory backup read this Backup directory. To protect your htaccess file click here.